Financial Advisors have advisors?
The financial industry is ever changing. Its complexity makes it impossible for one person to know everything or even keep up-to-date on every nuance. Many financial advisors have a department or other specialists they rely on. I am a part of one of these teams, and my team provides this service for approximately 700 financial advisors. Every day, I work with highly trained case planners, and we all rely on and work with one another. So, while I may not know the answer to your question right away, I more than likely work with someone who does.
Case planning is my main job, so I already make enough money to pay for my expenses. I don't have to worry about selling something in order to "keep the lights on." Since being a financial advisor is my secondary job, I only keep a small list of clientele so I can effectively manage everyone's needs.
Who would you rather work with . . . the guy who may be worried about keeping the lights on or a specialist who is part of a team of professionals who help other financial advisors?